UpDog Jump Height Info

What Jump height do you enter your dog?! Here is a QUICK summary.

You are not required to jump the dog’s “agility organization” height.

You can choose jump height based on following table.

There are four height divisions for the agility-based games in UpDog.

DivisionDog’s HeightJump Height
MiniUnder 15”Can opt to jump 4”, 8”, 12” or 16”
Midi15”-18”Can opt to jump 8”, 12”, 16” or 20”
MaxiOver 18” to under 23”Can opt to jump 12”, 16”, 20” or 24″
Mega23” and overCan opt to jump 12”, 16”, 20” or 24″

Example : My dog FiFi measures 22″ at shoulder in AKC agility; FiFi’s AKC Jump Height is 20″. In UpDog, my dog FiFi is a Maxi. When entering Frizgility, I can jump FiFi at 16″. FiFi can jump 12”, 16”, 20” or 24″.